Howdy! 🙋♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️”initiative, today is #DaySeven and we will be learning about Clipping in .NET MAUI! Imagine if you could handle the cropping region of a design or view with greater precision … such as that we can mask an image in a circular shape 🧐🧐 It will be great, no?!! Well, I…
Tag: .NetMaui
Applying borders in .NET MAUI
Howdy! 🙋♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️”initiative, today is #DayFive and we will be learning about Border in .NET MAUI! Throughout our experience in Xamarin Forms, we have had the need to add Borders, and in order to achieve this, we have developed different “tactics” because we didn’t have a direct mechanism to do it. However,…
.NET MAUI Roadmap Previews
Howdy! 🙋♀️ I have the honor to share the initiative “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️” which is a calendar where both my friend Leslie Ramirez and I will be writing a daily post during December about C# and .Net MAUI. Today is #DayThree and we will be talking about the .NET MAUI Previews, I will be…