Vibrations in .NET MAUI 💚

We must take advantage and use the functionalities of our devices, through vibration we have access to inform actions / processes to our users through a physical reaction. Today we will learn in a very simple and quick way how to send vibrations from .NET MAUI!

🔧  First of all… What do I need?

Let’s start by adding some platform settings. To implement them, follow the instructions added below:

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacĂ­o; su nombre de archivo es if_android_313085.png

We have two ways to do it, let’s see:

1⃣ Go to  Platform ➖ Android ➖ AndroidManifes.cs and add the following Permission:

2⃣  Or just go to your AssemblyInfo.cs and add the following:

🚧  For iOS/macOS and Windows you don’t need an additional configuration.

Let’s start!

The Vibration can be requested for a certain time or the default value of 500 milliseconds, let’s see how to do it:

📲  Sending Vibration

Through the .Default property we can access the Vibration method which allows us to send vibrations to our device, it accepts a TimeSpan as a parameter that represents a time interval.

❌ Canceling Vibration

But also, we have the Cancel method that allows us to stop the vibration emitted.

Platform differences

  • Only vibrates for 500 milliseconds.
  • Once started, vibration cannot be cancelled.
  • It only vibrates when the device is set to “Vibrate when ringing”.

🚧  For Android and Windows you don’t have platform diferences.

Spanish post:  https://es.askxammy.com/vibracion-en-net-maui-💚/

References: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/platform-integration/device/vibrate?tabs=android?WT.mc_id=DT-MVP-50033

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