.Net MAUI, Xamarin

#7DaysChallenge with Xammy

Hello! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Thank you for being here! Today we start the #7DaysChallenge, I confess that I’m very excited about this activity, it aims to share seven challenges which will be divided into one challenge for each day of this week which will help you continue practicing and reinforcing your knowledge of Xamarin Forms and .NET MAUI!

πŸ€” How does it work?

From May 23th to 29th, I will be sharing a .NET MAUI / Xamarin challenge each in which I want you to have fun learning and solving the answers! The main goal is that with just a few minutes of watching and analyzing the challenge, you can continue to practice and strengthen your Xamarin and .NET MAUI skills in a simple way!

πŸ’ͺ How should you take on the challenge?

βœ” Step 1⃣: Take a look at the challenge and analyze what the possible solution would be (each challenge will have its solution below with its technical justification, but don’t see them until you have your answer). πŸ’š

πŸ‘€ If you feel comfortable, I would love that once you have the answer (before seeing the solution), leave in the comments what you understand to be the correct answer and justify it technically! πŸ’•

βœ” Step 2⃣: Finally, take a look at the solutions you will find at the end of each challenge. Here you will find the technical explanation as well as study material so you can delve deeper into the subject! 😎

Enjoy it!

πŸ“‹ Challenges table

In this table I will update the challenges day by day so that you have them all at hand!

MondayDay 1: Buttons in Xamarin & .NET MAUI
TuesdayDay 2: Labels in Xamarin & .NET MAUI
WednesdayDay 3: Grid in Xamarin & .NET MAUI
ThursdayDay 4: Padding, Marging & Translations in Xamarin & .NET MAUI
FridayDay 5: IsClippedToBounds in Xamarin & .NET MAUI
SaturdayDay 6: Proportional and Auto values with Grid in Xamarin & .NET MAUI
SundayDay 7: Let’s develop the logic for programming

Thank for reading!  πŸ’šπŸ’•

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