Replicating Course Profile UI in .NET MAUI

Howdy!!! 🙋‍♀️  I’m so excited to publish my first post on UI Replication this time using the .NET MAU! I made it with a lot of love, I hope you like it and it inspires and guides you to start this path in MAUI!  In this case, we are going to replicate a Course Profile UI obtained from Dribble. I hope this is useful for you! 💚

⚠ Before starting, to get the best out of the post, I’ll leave you some instructional notes so that you have a better experience reproducing the UI:

➖ At the beginning, you will see an image with the original UI where you will see divided into blocks as we’ll be working on each part of the design.
➖ Each block presents the image with the design explicitly that we’ll be working on that block, they are highlighted in a box.
➖ In each of the code blocks, you can see a comment that says: “Here add the code that is being explained in the next block“. To keep you as focused as possible, this part indicates to you that the next block code explanation goes right where the comment line is added.

Let’s start!

Let’s divide the original design into blocks

To better understand, I have divided the original design into blocks, which are listed in the order in which we will be reproducing each one, these are:

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Screen-Shot-2022-02-22-at-4.59.16-PM.png

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Screen-Shot-2022-02-22-at-5.04.04-PM-1024x44.png

💥 Starting establishing the Main layout 

As the main Layout of our screen we will be using the Grid! 😎 Yes, the Grid is already available in .NET MAUI and has the same structure, if you don’t know how to use the Grid you can access the article Working with Grid”.

But in addition, everything will be inside a ScrollView, this will allow users to scroll through our App, and that also will be available in a Horizontal Orientation! 💚

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Screen-Shot-2022-02-22-at-11.57.11-PM.png💥 Let’s start with the components of the first block

To start the first block, I will detail each component that makes our design a reality, let’s see!

  • Timeline: This image will work as the background of the profile image (which we will see in the next step), this image has rounded edges, to do it we will add it inside a Frame and will be using the CornerRadius property!

  • Profile image: In this case, the profile image will have a circular shape, to do so we will also use a Frame. Also, to achieve the overlapping look, we’ll play with the Frame’s Margin property where we’ll add a negative value for the top value. (Margin="0,-90,0,0")

  • Profile name and general description: 

The first block is complete! 🤓

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Screen-Shot-2022-02-22-at-6.10.47-PM-1024x46.png

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Screen-Shot-2022-02-22-at-11.58.21-PM.pngIn this second block, we will work with the Title and Description Labels.

The second block is complete! 🤓

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Screen-Shot-2022-02-22-at-6.27.01-PM-1024x43.png

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Screen-Shot-2022-02-22-at-11.59.24-PM.pngI love this final block because it complements the design of this beautiful user interface! 😍 This block is made up of several elements, so, just like the first block, we are going to detail each of the components accompanied by their explanation!

  • Title and task list: We will add the Homework title and we will also use a CollectionView to add the list.

  • Dividing line and buttons: For the dividing line we use a BoxView! We will also add the Get Detail and Premium buttons.

The third block is complete! 🤓

It should be noted that this same code can be used in both MAUI and Xamarin Forms without making any changes! This is amazing! 😍😍
And our Course Profile UI  is done with .NET MAUI! ?.
To see the complete code structure you can enter to my Github repository ?
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5 thoughts on “Replicating Course Profile UI in .NET MAUI

  1. HI, my name is Chiao,from TAIWAN
    I want to tell u ,your blog is really clear and helpful~~
    Thank for helping me to understand how to write XAMARIN
    I truly appreciate all your articles on this matte.
    Thanks a lot

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