Messaging, Xamarin

Let’s make phone calls and send messages using Xamarin Forms

The plugin Xam.Plugin.Messaging provides us the access to the phone for: calls, SMS and emails. Messaging is one of the most important functions of our device , therefore is frequently used to create applications to get closer to our user, creating a comunication between our App and the system device messaging / call function.

With this plugin we can manage the following topics:

? – Make phone calls

? – Send SMS

? – Send emails

First of all.. What do I need?

  • Add from NuGet Package the plugin: Xam.Plugins.Messaging:

Let’s Start!

Making phone calls 

To make a call you just have to do this:

Explaining functionalities:

  • CanMakePhoneCall:       Returns if the device is available to make calls.  ( Gets Bool value )
  • MakePhoneCall:              This method make phone calls and receives the following parameters:
    • PhoneNumber:        It’s the phone number that you want to call.

Let’s see an example:



Sending SMS

Explaining the method:

  • CanSendSms:                  Returns if the device is available to send SMS.  ( Gets Bool value )
  • SendSms:                         This method let you send an SMS from your device and receives the following parameters:
    • PhoneNumber:      It’s the phone number to which you want to send the SMS to.
    • Message:                  It’s the message’s  body that you’ll send in the SMS.

Let’s see an example:



?  Sending Emails

Explaining the method:

  • CanSendEmail:                             Returns if the device is available to send Emails.  ( Gets Bool value )
  • CandSendEmailBodyAsHtml:  Returns if the device can send an email as an html body. ( Gets Bool value )
  • CandSendEmailAttachments:  Returns if the device can send an email with attachments.(Gets Bool value )
  • SendEmail:                                    This method allows you to send an email from messaging applications available on your device and receives the following parameters:
    • EmailTo:            It’s the email to which you want to send message to.
    • Subject:             It’s the message’s subject that you’ll send in the email.
    • BodyMessage:   It’s the message’s body that you’ll send in the email.

Let’s see an example:



?  You can also use the EmailMessageBuilder class the send emails:

How to use it ..?

Done! Good look with your implementation ?

Spanish post:


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