ActivityIndicator in .NET MAUI Made easy

Surely you have interacted with applications that do not inform you exactly what is happening, they simply remain static and do not indicate that the application is loading a process and that is why it does not allow you to continue interacting until it is completed… It has also happened to me. Keeping a user informed about the processes of…

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Replicating Course Profile UI in .NET MAUI

Howdy!!!   I’m so excited to publish my first post on UI Replication this time using the .NET MAU! I made it with a lot of love, I hope you like it and it inspires and guides you to start this path in MAUI!  In this case, we are going to replicate a Course Profile UI obtained from Dribble. I hope this…

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Splash Screen in .NET MAUI 💚

When opening an App on our Android and iOS devices, we normally see a kind of welcome that is displayed full screen, this is usually made up of an image of its Logo with a background color which lasts a few seconds before showing us the features of the App! This is a Splash Screen. But… the only purpose of…

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Some little tips to start studying .NET MAUI

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ Merry Christmas!! 🎅 I hope you are doing well !! Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️” initiative, today is #DaySeventeen, and in this article, I leave you Some little tips to start studying .NET MAUI! It’s important to keep abreast of all the updates that come out, in order to be informed of the full potential…

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Horizontal & VerticalStackLayout in .NET MAUI

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️” initiative, today is #DayFifteen and we will be learning about Semantic Focus in .NET MAUI! Probably when reading the title you were surprised,😯 Horizontal and Vertical Stacklayout? Yes, you read that right!! In Preview 7, .NET MAUI introduced both types of layouts! In this article, I will show you its…

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Semantic focus with .NET MAUI

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️” initiative, today is #DayThirteen and we will be learning about Semantic Focus in .NET MAUI! Microsoft developer team has been investigating even more into the best practices of accessibility, for this reason, they hold meetings with different developers of companies who work closely with good accessibility practices and have been…

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Getting started with Font Scaling in .NET MAUI

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️” initiative, today is #DayEleven and we will be learning about Font Scaling in .NET MAUI! When using our mobile device we notice that everything we see has the same font sizes, this is a configuration that the user can adapt according to their needs, therefore, it’s important that we make…

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Adding Shadows with .NET MAUI

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️” initiative, today is #DayEight and we will be learning about Shadows in .NET MAUI! Adding shadows in our applications makes our design look more elegant and takes depth points in specific controls, in Xamarin Form we can do it using some resources such as a Custom Renderer. In this…

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Masking elements with Clipping in .NET MAUI

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️”initiative, today is #DaySeven and we will be learning about Clipping in .NET MAUI! Imagine if you could handle the cropping region of a design or view with greater precision … such as that we can mask an image in a circular shape 🧐🧐 It will be great, no?!! Well, I…

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Applying borders in .NET MAUI

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ Continuing with “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️”initiative, today is #DayFive and we will be learning about Border in .NET MAUI! Throughout our experience in Xamarin Forms, we have had the need to add Borders, and in order to achieve this, we have developed different “tactics” because we didn’t have a direct mechanism to do it. However,…

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.NET MAUI Roadmap Previews

Howdy! 🙋‍♀️ I have the honor to share the initiative “☃️ Coding Winter 2021 – C # and .NET MAUI ❄️” which is a calendar where both my friend Leslie Ramirez and I will be writing a daily post during December about C# and .Net MAUI. Today is #DayThree and we will be talking about the .NET MAUI Previews, I will be…

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