Lottie animations in .NET MAUI

If you’re looking to improve your app’s user-friendliness and interactivity, consider adding animations. Lottie makes it possible to incorporate animations in JSON format without slowing down your app. Learn more about Lottie and how to integrate it into .NET MAUI by reading our article! The explanation will be divided into the following points: 🔹 What is a Lottie animation? 🔹…

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Toast in .NET MAUI

Consider the following scenario: you’re using an application, but your Internet connection goes down. As a result, the app can’t show the resources needed for interaction. Unfortunately, this sort of event happens frequently, so keeping the user informed is essential. One possible approach is to employ Toasts, which enable us to show informative text on the screen. In this article,…

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Animating color properties using .NET MAUI Community Toolkit

Providing users with information about their interactions within apps is critical for ensuring a positive user experience. For example, if a user clicks on a button and the process takes a few seconds to respond, it’s important to indicate that their request is being executed. One option for accomplishing this is to change the button’s color and/or text and include…

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Getting started with Image Caching in .NET MAUI

Have you ever wondered how to cache images in your app? .NET MAUI already includes this functionality! In this article, we will quickly learn how to use it and adapt it to our specific needs. The explanation will be divided into the following points: 🔹  How does image caching work? 🔹  Learning about its structure 🔹  Properties available  Let’s start! How does image…

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Image Scaling in .NET MAUI

When use an Image Control… 🧐 Have you ever been confused between the different values ​​of the Aspect property? You are in the right place😎 , in this article you will learn the difference of each one! Let’s start! Exploring the Aspect Property The Image control has an Aspect property  which allow us to indicate how an image will fit…

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Windows Sizing & Positioning in .NET MAUI

When developing your desktop applications in .NET MAUI, you can control both the size and position of your application windows. In this article you will learn how to do it very quickly! Let’s start! Preparing the stage First of all, you have to override the CreateWindows Method which allow you to handle the Window’s settings. Go to your App.xam.cs and add it! To overwrite…

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Exploring Christmas UI in .NET MAUI

Merry Christmas! 🎄 I hope you are very well on these dates and you are happy with yours! 💓 It’s a time where we usually set goals for the next year with the aim of continuing to grow every day! And to contribute to your goals of practicing XAML, I have brought you this article as my last gift of…

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Getting started with TwoPaneView layout in .NET MAUI

In collaboration with Luis Beltrán’s Advent Calendar 2022, today I’ll be teaching you step by step how to implement the TwoPaneView in .NET MAUI! Sometimes we have to adapt our design for foldable devices to give the best user experience, that’s why this is an important topic. This article will have the following structure: ➖What is TwoPaneView? ➖Foldable device support ➖Inicial…

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Pointer gesture recognizer in .NET MAUI

We can now identify Pointer Gestures in .NET MAUI ! Which will allow us to add interactions, make decisions based on what our user is doing and in this way to be able to improve their experience! In this article we will learn to implement them in a very fast and easy way! Let’s start! Starting with Pointer Gestures Pointer Gesture…

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Organizing elements with ZIndex in .NET MAUI

Knowing how to organize the visual elements on our screen will help us create more friendly, flexible interfaces and, above all, using the least amount of resources. For this reason, today we will quickly learn how to organize the visual elements on the Z axis in .NET MAUI applications. But surely you are wondering what the Z axis is…🤔 since…

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Replicating Billing Dashboard UI in .NET MAUI

Howdy!!!   Remember that practice is the key to success in everything you do, in this case in your XAML skills. This time we will be replicating the Billing Dashboard UI in .NET MAUI! This design was created by Liev Liakh obtained from Dribbble. And today we will convert it to XAML code! I hope this is useful for you! 💚…

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