Well, I tell you that I really LOVE this!?I’m always searching different screen designs for mobile applications and I saw this one for a food application that I liked and when I saw it I definitely wanted to replicate it!
The design was obtained from the Dribble following link. We will be building the first screen!
Tools that I used
To replicate the Food UI, I used the following tools:
?Styles – A style is a set of visual properties that are defined with the objective of assigning specific visual characteristics for as many controls as you want to set. https://askxammy.com/how-to-work-with-styles-xaml-in-xamarin-forms/
?CollectionView – To display the list of data I used Collection view instead. https://askxammy.com/make-your-life-simpler-with-the-collectionviews-layouts-%f0%9f%98%8e/
?MVVM – To work with the project structure. https://askxammy.com/applying-mvvm-design-pattern/
And finally the Food UI repository
Thanks for reading!!!
This very nice article, it would be helpful to me for my further projects, Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much! It’s a pleasure for me!
Fantastico! muy buen proyecto, muchas gracias por compartir
Muchas gracias!!
Nice job , looks great
Thank you!
Nice, great work it helped me lot. do you have any idea of design login & signup page?
Thank you dear! In the following link you have an example of what you need:
Excelente contenido.
Hi Leomaris! ¿Tienes algún link donde ver todo tu repositorio? El que se pueda ver claro
Es que en github no me deja ir a tu directorio.
Gracias, sigue así!!
Hola Exon! Claro! Aqui te lo dejo: https://github.com/LeomarisReyes
Excelente trabajo Leomaris!!
Gracias!!? ?