Replicating Bill Details UI in Xamarin Forms

Howdy!!! In this case we are going to replicate a Bill Details UI Ap obtained from Dribble. You can check the design here! Before starting, to get the best out of the post, I’ll leave you some instructional notes so that you have a better experience reproducing the UI: At the beginning, you will see an image with the original…

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Being friends with the experimental flags

Howdy!!  Thanks for being here! On this time, we shall be learning about a topic that probably in the last updates of Xamarin you have seen a lot, and maybe you don’t know exactly what it means or you may have not seen it with a good face. They are nothing more than the Experimental Flag. Why Experimental Flags? As…

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UI, Xamarin

Replicating Event App UI in Xamarin Forms

Howdy!!!  Hope you’re doing well!! This time we’re going to replicate an Events UI, this design contains two screens, one of which we are going to replicate in this article: The event detail screen. It’s very beautiful and super easy to replicate! .. But… 🧐 I would like to challenge you to build the other screen !! Do you dare!!?…

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Xamarin, Xamarin Essentials

Adding Shortcuts with Xamarin Essentials

Howdy!!  I hope you are very well and safe in your home taking care of your health and your loved ones! 💕 In this time I’m so happy to write about an amazing API recently included in the Xamarin Essentials 1.6, as is the AppActions! This allow us to create shortcuts in our Apps just using Xamarin Essentials! 💚 Besides…

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My personal Quality Assurance list before submitting my applications to QA

As developers, our responsibility is to create applications based on a list of specifications defined by the systems analyst in collaboration with the customer. Usually, we divide the application into deliverables that allow us to complete independent and useful functionalities for the user without having the application completely ready. It’s very important to make our applications as clean and tested…

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UI, Xamarin

Replicating Schedule UI in Xamarin Forms

Howdy!!! ?‍♀ In this case we are going to replicate a Calendar / Schedule UI obtained from Dribble. You can check the design  here! ⚠ Before starting, to get the best out of the post, I’ll leave you some instructional notes so that you have a better experience reproducing the UI: ➖ At the beginning, you will see an image…

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Learning about Converters in Xamarin Forms

When we are developing an application it is normal that we need to transfer data of the same type, as we already know to do this, we use Data Bindings. Doing this is very easy, especially if we can do the conversion implicitly. But what happens when we want to pass data with different values? To do it we use…

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Xamarin, Xamarin Essentials

Working with connectivity in Xamarin Forms

I think you have been in a situation that you lost internet connection and you stay without knowing what happened since nothing notified you  ?‍♀. .. And it is in bad taste since as users we practically do not know what is happening and we simply believe that the application had stopped working ?. To avoid this, as Developers, is…

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