.Net MAUI, Images, UI

Problems loading a .gif in .NET MAUI?

Have you tried adding a .gif to your .NET MAUI application, but only see a still image and wonder why it doesn’t animate? 🤔 Well, today you will discover how to solve this quickly and easily! 🚀✨ Let’s start! GIFs are made up of a series of images that create a silent, repetitive animation. Adding a .gif to your application…

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Creating an E-Book OnBoarding screen in .NET MAUI

Hello! 🙋‍♀️ In this article, we’ll replicate an E-Book Onboarding UI, a design sourced from Dribbble. This piece will help you strengthen your skills in managing XAML in a quick and easy way. The most fun part is that you’ll learn to build it yourself! 😍 Explanation Insights 🗒 Before diving in, here are some guidelines to enhance your experience…

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Creating Christmas UI in .NET MAUI

Merry Christmas! 🎄 I hope you’re doing well during this season and enjoying time with your loved ones! 💓 As we wrap up the year, let’s continue improving our XAML skills by replicating a Christmas-themed user interface (UI). You’ll see how you can create impressive results with simple steps! This UI is based on a design sourced from Dribbble! Explanation…

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Displaying HTML in a .NET MAUI Label

Although the Label in .NET MAUI is commonly used to display text in plain format, there are occasions when you need to incorporate HTML content 🌐. Imagine a scenario where you’re receiving data from a web service, and one of the fields contains HTML. In such instances, it’s crucial to handle this content properly to maintain the integrity of the…

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Creating Empty State for you .NET MAUI Apps

An essential aspect of user experience is the ability to anticipate and address potential issues effectively. Consider a scenario where a user loses their Internet connection while using your app. Without proper notification, this can lead to confusion and adversely affect their perception of your app’s reliability. Promptly notifying them about such connectivity issues can significantly enhance their experience. Implementing…

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Replicating Uber Delivery UI in .NET MAUI

Howdy! 💁‍♀️ I am thrilled to share my article for the .NET MAUI UI July 2023 calendar created by Matt Goldman, during the month of July, this calendar will publish various educational contributions created by industry experts about .NET MAUI. In this article, I will guide you step-by-step in building the Uber Delivery screen in a simple way. Let’s get started!…

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Toast in .NET MAUI

Consider the following scenario: you’re using an application, but your Internet connection goes down. As a result, the app can’t show the resources needed for interaction. Unfortunately, this sort of event happens frequently, so keeping the user informed is essential. One possible approach is to employ Toasts, which enable us to show informative text on the screen. In this article,…

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Getting started with Image Caching in .NET MAUI

Have you ever wondered how to cache images in your app? .NET MAUI already includes this functionality! In this article, we will quickly learn how to use it and adapt it to our specific needs. The explanation will be divided into the following points: 🔹  How does image caching work? 🔹  Learning about its structure 🔹  Properties available  Let’s start! How does image…

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Exploring Christmas UI in .NET MAUI

Merry Christmas! 🎄 I hope you are very well on these dates and you are happy with yours! 💓 It’s a time where we usually set goals for the next year with the aim of continuing to grow every day! And to contribute to your goals of practicing XAML, I have brought you this article as my last gift of…

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Getting started with TwoPaneView layout in .NET MAUI

In collaboration with Luis Beltrán’s Advent Calendar 2022, today I’ll be teaching you step by step how to implement the TwoPaneView in .NET MAUI! Sometimes we have to adapt our design for foldable devices to give the best user experience, that’s why this is an important topic. This article will have the following structure: ➖What is TwoPaneView? ➖Foldable device support ➖Inicial…

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UI, Xamarin

Replicating Fashion UI in Xamarin Forms

Howdy!!! In this case we are going to replicate a Fashion UI App obtained from Dribble. You can check the design here!  Previously I created an article on how to start creating this UI, thinking about how to divide the rows and columns, I recommend you take a look, the name is “Getting started with a UI and not die trying…

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Replicating Bill Details UI in Xamarin Forms

Howdy!!! In this case we are going to replicate a Bill Details UI Ap obtained from Dribble. You can check the design here! Before starting, to get the best out of the post, I’ll leave you some instructional notes so that you have a better experience reproducing the UI: At the beginning, you will see an image with the original…

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UI, Xamarin

Replicating Event App UI in Xamarin Forms

Howdy!!!  Hope you’re doing well!! This time we’re going to replicate an Events UI, this design contains two screens, one of which we are going to replicate in this article: The event detail screen. It’s very beautiful and super easy to replicate! .. But… 🧐 I would like to challenge you to build the other screen !! Do you dare!!?…

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