CollectionView allows us display a list of data. It’s very similar to the ListView but this control enhances the performance and memory management of the list and covers different layout presentations such as: Vertical, horizontal and grid, making it a lot better and saving us our precious development time. This control is available from the version of Xamarin Forms 4.0.…
Author: Leomaris Reyes
Tips to start your own blog – Interview – Interfaz Podcast
Interfaz Podcast Episodio 120 – 6 consejos para iniciar tu propio blog con Leomaris Reyes About the podcast: Interview name: Interfaz Podcast Language: …
Getting started with Xamarin Forms – Latinity Talk
Event name: Latin American Women in Technology – LATINITY Talk name: Getting started in Xamarin Forms Language: …
Header, footer and grouped information in our ListViews in Xamarin Forms
Nowadays, we work with applications that handle a big data sources and that frequently needs to be displayed in a ListView. Working with this control type, it’s important to know that if we just display all the data, it can be overwhelming for our users and that’s not the idea ?. As developers, in these cases we must try to make…
Simple way to create a Floating Button in Xamarin Forms
When we are creating some UI, there are some parts that may seem complicated, this may be true or not, it all depends on how we do the implementation, one example of this can be adding a Floating button in our screen, that’s why in this post we will be learning how to do this in a very simple way!.…
Tips to improve performance in Xamarin Forms
It’s amazing when we use apps that have a quick response time, It’s very nice to see the applications which compromise our waiting time as little as possible. That’s why, as developers, we must put enough effort in ensuring that every application we make has the best performance possible. Granted, It’s amazing to be able to freely use components and…
Remolacha.NET – Dominican Brains: Interview with Leomaris Reyes, outstanding Software Engineer
Cerebros dominicanos:Entrevista a Leomaris Reyes, destacada ingeniera de software On June 19, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by the online newspaper Remolacha.NET, one of the most read of its category in the Dominican Republic, it was an honor for me, I invite you to see the complete interview and the link displayed above. Source name: …
Getting started with Local databases in Xamarin Forms
Most of the Applications that we develop, needs to have a local database to have some important information saved on the device, it’s important that, we only try to save information that is really necessary and locally required in our device, so our app always have the best performance possible. In this post, we will be learning how to implement a local database…
“The future of women in Tic” panel by Mujeres Tics
Event name: CodeCamp SDQ 2019 by Mujeres Tics. Panel name: The future of women Tics Language: …
Hello Xamarin! Let’s create our first mobile app talk
Event name: CodeCamp SDQ 2019 Talk name: Hello Xamarin! Let’s create our first mobile app! Language: …
Sharing information in Xamarin Forms
Sometimes, we need to share information from our App to other apps, such as an address, a file, an URL among others. Xamarin Essential gives us the power to do it! In this post we will be learning how to do it. This post will be divided in the following topics: ? Platform Supports ? Sharing overload methods ? Experimental…
Applying Mask in Xamarin Forms
When we develop an Application, it’s important to take into consideration every feature possible to ease the user’s experience. Our brain behaves based on patterns, therefore, has the ability to understand certain information faster according to its presentation. For example: Without having to read a lot, we can see that “(809) 222-3333” is a telephone number. That’s why, in this post,…
Quick tips to decorate texts in Xamarin Forms
It has happened to all of us that we have to develop some pages full of texts without any feature else and as we know a lot of text together can overwhelm the user. That’s why in this post we will be learning to create it as friendly as possible to make our app’s user experience better. In this time we will…
Customizing browser appearance in Xamarin Forms
It’s too friendly when we see an Application with the perfect combination regarding Look & Feel. Some of these Apps needs to access to an external page, which forces us to use browsers that do not help us keep the color scheme used in our application.☹ But…What if I tell you that now you can change the appearance of your…
Converting Colors in Xamarin Forms
This time, I want to share with you this great feature. Let me tell you something, when I saw this functionality I really LOVED IT ? !!! Because I can play with the colors! ? In this post, we will be learning about the different functionalities that Xamarin Essentials bring to in the System.Drawing.Color library. This explanation will be divided in the following…