Getting started with Visual State Manager (VSM) in Xamarin Forms

When we are developing an application we usually face requirements that needs some visual changes depending of a specific control’s state. For example, we may need to increase the height of an Entry while the user is writing, but we may also need to modify the text color, the most important is that all of this must happen when the…

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UI, Xamarin

Adding custom fonts in Xamarin Forms

Often, when we need to apply a design we find different Fonts to which we think fits best with the design, for that reason use a custom Font. That’s what we’re going to be learning in this post!! Let’s start! For the example I will use the Cute Jelyfish font, you can find it here. The first that we have to learn is…

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Replicating Facebook Profile UI in Xamarin Forms

Hello guys!! This time, I created a post that’s a little different than my usual posts, I built a Facebook Profile UI! So you’ll be able to the whole code, I will list the elements I used and leave some explanatory posts so you can understand them better in case you have not used them yet. Let me tell you…

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UI, Xamarin

Showing Design Time Data with XAML Previewer

From developer to developer, I would like to start this article by asking some questions: 1⃣  Have you ever experienced that you want to show the progress of the design of a screen and for this you need to add test data to the XAML so that the user can see the results, right? 2⃣  So after you convinced the…

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Simple way to create a Floating Button in Xamarin Forms

When we are creating some UI, there are some parts that may seem complicated, this may be true or not, it all depends on how we do the implementation, one example of this can be adding a Floating button in our screen, that’s why in this post we will be learning how to do this in a very simple way!.…

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UI, Xamarin Essentials

Sharing information in Xamarin Forms

Sometimes, we need to share information from our App to other apps, such as an address, a file, an URL among others. Xamarin Essential gives us the power to do it! In this post we will be learning how to do it. This post will be divided in the following topics:   ? Platform Supports ? Sharing overload methods ? Experimental…

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Behaviors, UI

Applying Mask in Xamarin Forms

When we develop an Application, it’s important to take into consideration every feature possible to ease the user’s experience. Our brain behaves based on patterns, therefore, has the ability to understand certain information faster according to its presentation. For example: Without having to read a lot, we can see that “(809) 222-3333” is a telephone number. That’s why, in this post,…

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Quick tips to decorate texts in Xamarin Forms

It has happened to all of us that we have to develop some pages full of texts without any feature else and as we know a lot of text together can overwhelm the user. That’s why in this post we will be learning to create it as friendly as possible to make our app’s user experience better. In this time we will…

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UI, Xamarin Essentials

Customizing browser appearance in Xamarin Forms

It’s too friendly when we see an Application with the perfect combination regarding Look & Feel. Some of these Apps needs to access to an external page, which forces us to use browsers that do not help us keep the color scheme used in our application.☹ But…What if I tell you that now you can change the appearance of your…

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UI, Xamarin Essentials

Converting Colors in Xamarin Forms

This time, I want to share with you this great feature. Let me tell you something, when I saw this functionality I really LOVED IT ?  !!! Because I can play with the colors! ? In this post, we will be learning about the different functionalities that Xamarin Essentials bring to in the System.Drawing.Color library. This explanation will be divided in the following…

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Controls, UI, Xamarin

Let’s use the SearchBar control in Xamarin Forms

This time I will tell you about the SearchBar, which is a control that allows us make a search of a specific information between a set of these. To understand better, I will be display these topics in the following sets: ? SearchBar basic structure ? Implementing SearchBar Page Let’s start!!! SearchBar basic structure To understand better, is important to know…

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UI, Xamarin

Working with AbsoluteLayout in Xamarin Forms

Often, while developing an application we face situations where we have a design that needs to implement different layouts that are not the ones we normally use (For example: StackLayout, GridLayout). Some mockups have a more complex design in which we need to organize some graphic controls overlapping others. That’s why, now Im going to explain you an easy way to learn…

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UI, Xamarin

Tips to practice UI development in Xamarin Forms and not die trying

When we are starting to learn some tool, programming language, process or whatever new thing that we want, normally we focus on reading and practicing specifically about this topic we want to learn, we read about new features, functionalities among others by itself to improve our knowledge. But in order to have a more efficient way to learn, we are now…

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UI, Xamarin

Simple way to add a Tabbed Page in our screens in Xamarin Forms

In some App’s is required to navigate within the same screen throughout  different sections with their own design and information, each one independent of the other. To do it, we have a page type named: TabbedPage. Let’s learn how to implement it. What is a tabbed page? It’s a page that contains different tabs or sections that make possible the navigation between…

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