NewNewsXamarinForms, Xamarin

Adding FallbackValue and TargetNullValue properties to BindingBase in Xamarin Forms 3.2.0

Sometimes when we work with bindings in Xamarin.Forms you may find yourself binding to a property that may or may not have a value assigned to it. For those situations the new and improved Xamarin.Forms version 3.2.0 contains two new methods to include in your bindings, those are FallbackValue and TargetNullValue.

First of all… What do I need?

  • Update the Xamarin.Forms version to the 3.2.0.

Explaining the properties

?  FallbackValue:    Get/sets a provisional value while the binding is unable to return a value.

TargetNullValue:  Get/sets a provisional value while the binding value is NULL.

You can get more information in my post about UI surprises and additional information about  Xamarin Form 3.2.0.

Spanish post:

Good luck with your implementation! ?

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