Have you ever need to create an application with painting screen? ? Yes!! Me too. In this post, I’m going to explain step by step how to do it. Let’s see! First of all… What do I need? ✔ Add from NuGet Package the plugin: SkiaSharp Let’s start! You must add the following namespace on your xaml page: After this, you have to add…
Category: Xamarin
Resolving IOS Title Bar issues using Xamarin IOS
It’s probably that all of us have had a problem with IOS Title bar position, maybe getting the UI Controls in the top of the screen and that becomes annoying, so now, I’m going to explain you how to fix it. First of all… What things do I need to know? ? Thickness: Defines edges position from an element. ? Device…
Creating lines in Xamarin Forms
Often we have some application screen that design needs to be divided for a line and that is why now I wrote this article about how to do it. Let’s Start! It’s too simple, you just have to add a BoxView in your screen design. Making a review about what is a BoxView, this is a graphic control that allows to…
Little things that you might know to prepare your project
Usually I write about some plugin explanations, functionalities, ease of using some graphic controls, among other stuff, but in this post I want to cover some little things that are important when we are preparing an application and sometimes “May not be necessary” , “Because it’s not part of the code” or “Is just because you need a functional application”.. among a…
Copying text from our applications in Xamarin Forms
It’s important that the users can copy relevant texts from their applications. That’s why I explain you a simpler way to do it. Let’s see! We will follow these steps: Adding the Xamarin.Plugins.Clipboard Supported platforms Adding Copy/Paste actions in our applications Creating an example First of all.. What do I need? ✔ Add from NuGet Package the plugin: Xamarin.Plugins.Clipboard: Supports following platforms: Xamarin.Android…
Doing a Pull To Refresh in a ListView using Xamarin Forms
When we add a ListView control in our applications, normally we don’t see a loading control indicator while we wait for the data but there are some properties that help us to add this control. Let’s see! Let’s Start! How to add the PullToRefresh icon in the ListView? I show you bellow the way to create a ListView in the XAML. I…
How to work with advanced Pop-ups in Xamarin Forms
Normally, we can see some simple Pop-ups in applications that allow us display some information or some similar thing, but sometimes we need more power from them. In this post, I will show you how create advanced Pop-ups with Rg.Plugins.PopUp plugin in Xamarin Forms. We will cover the following topics: ✔ What plugin do I need ✔ Creating Pop-up page ✔ How to call the Pop-up ✔ Initializing on platforms ✔ Pop-up properties First…
Comprehending screen densities in Xamarin Android
All of us at the time of adding images to the resources folder, have seen inside there a lot of folders with the prefix name drawable followed with a “-“ and each one of the screen density types (drawable-hdpi , drawable-xhdpi , drawable-xxhdpi and some others). But what can I do with these folders? To better understand, first we must have some previous knowledge: ⚪ Pixel: …
Working with audio recorder using Xamarin Forms
Very often we use applications that play sounds and allow us to trigger some actions like start, stop, random and some others… but what happen if we want to record the audio that we will manipulate? It’s easy! In this post I will teach how to do this with Plugin.AudioRecorder. We will follow these steps: Adding the Plugin.AudioRecorder Previous configuration Recording…
A simple way to create a carousel in Xamarin Forms
Normally we can see screens in applications with components with swipe behavior within the same page. With CarouselPage we can create this. Let’s see! What is a CarouselPage? It’s a type of page with slides interaction in the same screen that we can swipe one by one, you can add images , labels and whatever virtual component that you need inside there. We can create it…
Let’s make phone calls and send messages using Xamarin Forms
The plugin Xam.Plugin.Messaging provides us the access to the phone for: calls, SMS and emails. Messaging is one of the most important functions of our device , therefore is frequently used to create applications to get closer to our user, creating a comunication between our App and the system device messaging / call function. With this plugin we can manage the following topics:…
Working with signatures in Xamarin Forms
We all have gone through the experience of someone asking for our signature or while working on a project that demands or requires somehow a signature… So.. I was thinking about how can I do this in Xamarin Forms and I found it!? Let’s See! What about this Xamarin.Controls.SignaturePad.Forms? With this plugin you can create , save (In Jpeg, Jpg and…
How to work with Styles XAML in Xamarin Forms
Very often we need to create the same styles for differents visual controls and we have to repeat this code for each controls as we need. .. But what happend if we can create just one style for every control without code repetition..???… In this post I’ll show you how you can create the following in XAML: Global Styles Explicit styles Implicit…
Let’s learn about Text to Speech
Sometimes we need to create an application that transform our written text to speech… But why?.. Because this makes it more intuitive and dynamic also provides better usability and can help people with visual disabilities. What is TextToSpeech Plugin? Its a plugin that let us make the text to speech. Its supported on Xamarin Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.tvOS, Xamarin.macOS and Xamarin.Forms projects…
Getting started with charts in Xamarin Forms
Usually we want to display some information on the screen in a graphic way without a lot of words and with a quick reading. That’s why we use charts. In this post I’ll teach you how to do this. First of all.. What do I need? Add from NuGet Package the plugin: Microcharts.Forms Let’s Start! Setting Data Entries to Charts To begin…