UI, Xamarin

Tips to practice UI development in Xamarin Forms and not die trying

When we are starting to learn some tool, programming language, process or whatever new thing that we want, normally we focus on reading and practicing specifically about this topic we want to learn, we read about new features, functionalities among others by itself to improve our knowledge. But in order to have a more efficient way to learn, we are now…

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UI, Xamarin

Simple way to add a Tabbed Page in our screens in Xamarin Forms

In some App’s is required to navigate within the same screen throughout  different sections with their own design and information, each one independent of the other. To do it, we have a page type named: TabbedPage. Let’s learn how to implement it. What is a tabbed page? It’s a page that contains different tabs or sections that make possible the navigation between…

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UI, Xamarin

Handling strings in our XAML’s

In this article, I just covered a few recollections of some simple but important topics to improve our Xaml’s and that are too needed and to useful in everyday life to develop an application. I hope these topics are useful for you. Let’s start! ? We will be learning the following topics: ✔ Concatenating strings ✔ Adding special characters to the texts ✔ Making multiple…

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MVVM, Xamarin

Applying MVVM design pattern

As Developers, we all want our code to work, but if we just write code, chances are we end up with a complex code, and really hard to read, we all want our code to be clean, organized and easy to read, that’s where Design Patterns come into play. But exactly why do we use it?  Design patterns offers us…

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Images, Xamarin

Optimizing & Handling Images with FFImageLoading

At time to develop an application, if we need to add a lot of images, we know that the resource consumption will be increasing as many images as we add, thereby the memory of the device and the application performance will be affected. That’s why, in this article I will explain you a powerful way,  to help improve the device performance and…

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UI, Xamarin

Working with GridLayout in Xamarin Forms

When we are developing an application, is very important to know what Layout is better for our needs. For example, imagine we are writing a calculator app, we can use a StackLayout or a GridLayout. But… Really, what would happen if we create a calculator based on a set of StackLayouts? Because of the amount of nested views we need for our…

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UI, Xamarin

Creating Accordions in Xamarin Forms

Sometimes, we need to include in our ListViews, some additional options to make better the user experience and the usability on the screen. That’s why now I’m going to explain to you how to do an Expandable ListView (Accordion) in Xamarin Forms. Let’s see! Which steps do I have to do? 1⃣ Step one:  Let’s create the Model In this example, we…

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Behaviors, Xamarin

Learning to use Behaviors in Xamarin Forms

What is a Behavior? Behaviors let you attach a piece of functionality to an element in a view. This feature can be reusable and give us an easy way to do unit testing. Which steps do I have to do? 1⃣  Create the Behavior container class To add a Behavior in a control you must create a class which inherits from the Behavior<T>  class.…

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Triggers, Xamarin

Getting started with Triggers in Xamarin Forms

Sometimes, we need to make some actions when an event happens or when a control property is changed. So, to do it Triggers are the solutions! With Triggers, we can add one or more actions to our controls, based on what do you want to do, maybe to make an action when a click event happens in a Button or when an Entry…

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UI, Xamarin

Easy way to create circle buttons in Xamarin Forms

I have seen a lot of people asking about how to create circle buttons in Xamarin Forms. I read about a quick and easy way to create that circle button effect so I have decided to make this post to share it as a reference. Let’s Start! Let’s see the properties There are two properties you can set to get…

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Videos, Xamarin

Playing videos using Xamarin Forms

Getting videos to play in our application is a dynamic way to display important content that can help us to offer a better user experience, avoiding users to exit the application to see video resources that requires the application at runtime. In the post, we will be explaining this topic, in the following points: ? Platform implementation ? Adding the video player in the XAML…

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NewNewsXamarinForms, Xamarin

Adding FallbackValue and TargetNullValue properties to BindingBase in Xamarin Forms 3.2.0

Sometimes when we work with bindings in Xamarin.Forms you may find yourself binding to a property that may or may not have a value assigned to it. For those situations the new and improved Xamarin.Forms version 3.2.0 contains two new methods to include in your bindings, those are FallbackValue and TargetNullValue. First of all… What do I need? Update the Xamarin.Forms version to the 3.2.0.…

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NewNewsXamarinForms, Xamarin

UI surprises in Xamarin Forms 3.2.0

Hello!! Actually, it’s available Xamarin Forms 3.2.0 and now I’m going to show you some of my favorites new features. I hope this will be very useful for you! Let’s see!!! First of all… What do I need? Update the Xamarin.Forms version to the 3.2.0. What’s new? ? Editor Placeholder/PlaceholderColor Now, to make our Editor controls friendlier, it’s available to use two new…

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Events, Xamarin

Making clickable graphic controls with TapGestureRecognizer

At the time of creating a screen design, we add all the graphics controls that we need, some of they need to be a clickable controls, but.. what happened if not all of your screen controls supports the Click event? For example, some controls as Label, Image… There is a solution! Now I will teach you, how can we make unclickable controls, clickable.…

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